
A leading Real Estate company uses Knowlarity’s Vanity Virtual Number with Click to Call Solution for Quality Lead Generation

Knowlarity’s Vanity Virtual Number with Click to Call Solution enhances lead generation efforts

A leading Real Estate company uses Knowlarity’s Vanity Virtual Number with Click to Call Solution for Quality Lead Generation

The Realty Company is among one of the arrays of a large global conglomerate’s industry offerings and is a leading developer in the Real-estate sector in India.

    Customer name

    Real Estate

    Organization site


Tracking of pre-sales & post-sales team on a single communication platform

The realty business was facing challenges at different fronts of their voice operations in order to streamline their team across Pan India while tracking every lead received at their promotional business number.

This resulted in missing out on potential leads as there was absence of real-time tracking & monitoring the calls received/ missed/ answered. The complete call handling process was manual which itself was time consuming, hence facing trouble addressing the missed calls without a real-time tracking communication platform.

Secure, Scalable & Easy to Use Communication Platform

Cloud-based Vanity Virtual Number Solution with inbound/outbound contact center & click to call facility has automated the entire communication workflow process. This simplified the way the agents were working earlier.

Success Post Knowlarity Solution

Simplified Call & Lead Management with Improved Customer Experience

The call connectivity ratio increased while the business also witnessed improvement in the quality lead generation as compared to earlier. They are now able to close more sales deals by tracking the quality prospects from their monitoring dashboard. The management team is now able to revisit and analyse every customer-agent interaction via available call recordings to train the staff accordingly in the future. Not a single lead is now missed as every agent is now engaged in answering every pre-sales & post-sales customer call. The vanity virtual number has aided in bundling a brand image with quality prospects, without the manual intervention of the managers.

Milestones Achieved

Unlimited calls covered every day
Efficient lead management system lead to increased ROI
Real-time monitoring with live call tracking & recordings
Analytics Dashboard for Deep Customer Insights