3 Content Marketing Blunders to Avoid

June 16, 2021

Your content marketing efforts are not giving you results. Your investment into the same is going down the drain. Fret not. You are not the only one facing the problem. Data reveals that 96% of business owners have content marketing strategies that do not work.

No inquiries, no newsletter signups, no content shares on social media, no comments, and no regular flow of leads!

Consequently, your business revenues are at a record low.

According to an article published on HuffPost, one of the primary reasons why your content is not performing is due to grammar and typos. It shows that you are not bothered to produce quality content. You do not use the right tools to correct syntax errors. This way, your audience loses faith in your brand. It implies that you need to stop making mistakes. Here are three content marketing blunders you must avoid at any cost:

Cramming keywords into your copy

You must optimise your website content for search engines like Google and Yahoo. Then, that does not mean you sound like a dreary, annoying robot. Yes, you need to use particular search phrases in your content to rank better in the SERPs. Then, do not overdo. Cramming your content with keywords in every sentence will not do you any good. Integrate the search terms naturally in the text to improve readability. After all, it is the users, who will read your content and not the Google spiders. Use short, simple sentences and avoid complex jargons and bombastic words.

Write content like a human. Think of your buyers and not the search engines. Besides, if you want to learn more about SEO content writing, look up sites like WalnutSEO.

Making guesswork

Making guesswork in content marketing will not help you in the days to come. If you rely on your gut feeling, your content will fail to produce the right impact on your audience. There is no doubt about the same. The digital world is data-centric and therefore, measure and test your content to figure out where you are performing and where not.

Gauge your content effect from the base of your funnel. The relevant KPIs to measure are article views, click-through rates, social shares, conversions, geography, dwell time, and devices.

Measuring these metrics will help you identify trends, tweak your strategies, and boost the performance of your content.

**Publishing content consistently **

If you think that publishing content always will make your prospects flock to your website, you are mistaken. Content does not spread like magic. Your content no matter how well written, will not go viral or attract clicks. That is the reason why you should adopt a robust promotion and content distribution plan. There is no other way or shortcut to the process.

Promote your content through paid media, organic SEO, owned media, as well as earned media. You also need to use the right content marketing tools Viral Content Bee, Sumo, IFTTT, Sniply, and many more.

Now that you know about the mistakes and ways to rectify, embrace a rock-solid content marketing strategy for your business. You will benefit.

Written By:  Admin


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