How AAP used cloud telephony to create a place in history

May 19, 2021

Cloud telephony is a revolutionary technology that has transformed the way businesses communicate with their customers. This technology has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

With the increasing demand for virtual communication tools, cloud telephony has expanded its application in various sectors including politics. The ability to reach out to a larger group of people through voice calls, SMS, and other digital channels has made cloud telephony an attractive option for political campaigns.

This technology has enabled politicians to connect with their constituents more effectively, gather feedback, and organize events without the need for physical meetings. In this way, cloud telephony is playing a crucial role in shaping the political landscape and has become an indispensable tool for modern political campaigns.

AAP’s Historic Campaign

The Aam Aadmi Party’s historic win in the Delhi elections in the year 2021 was trending all over the media. Through well-orchestrated campaigns on the internet and outside, AAP reached out to the masses ahead of the polls.

Because the target segment was the common man, AAP used a medium that could connect users across the digital divide – the phone.

Knowlarity was the platform AAP used to make this connection. Their aim was to reach the maximum number of voters in the least time and make them understand what AAP is and what the issues and agendas are going to cover.

We provided AAP with the tools to spread the word through a massive phone campaign, reaching out to more than 12 lakh voters in a matter of 2 months.

Knowlarity provided AAP with its cloud communication solutions, which enabled the party to reach out to a large number of voters across the state of Delhi. The cloud-based solutions offered by us, including IVR (interactive voice response) along with toll-free numbers, helped AAP to run an effective and efficient election campaign.

While phone calls are not commonly thought of as being viral, AAP’s campaign did exactly that by connecting voters with other voters, influencing them to support AAP. A toll-free number provided by Knowlarity was circulated through social media and elsewhere.

Cloud Based Communication

The cloud communication solutions offered by us helped AAP to reach out to voters in a more personalized and targeted manner. The IVR solutions enabled the party to provide voters with information about the party’s policies and plans and to collect their valuable feedback.

The campaign constituted 3 groups of people:

  1. The influencers – Who were strong advocates of AAP and its philosophy.
  2. The trackers – AAP workers who ensured the Influencers were genuine AAP supporters and not members of other parties trying to sabotage the campaign.
  3. The voters – Those who may or may not be in favor of AAP. These were the people the campaign hoped to influence.

How Did AAP Campaign Work With Our Cloud Telephony Services?

Influencers called on the toll-free number to listen to the party’s manifesto, get the facts, and know how to participate in the campaign. The next time they called, they spoke to a tracker who verified that the influencer was not an imposter.

Once the tracker gave his go-ahead through an IVR system, the influencer was free to call on the toll-free number to speak to a voter. How did that happen?

When an influencer called on the toll-free number, the system made another call to someone from its database of 12 lakh numbers. The two calls were patched and the influencer talked about why he/she believed in Arvind Kejriwal’s leadership.

The campaign took off and we found one influencer calling up to 750 voters. At its peak, more than 250 calls were made simultaneously on the toll-free number. This highly scalable system was built by our internal team to AAP’s specifications, using our platform.


The Aam Aadmi Party was another testament to our belief that cloud communication is changing the world. The campaign was one of many examples of how this technology is making us more efficient and bridges the digital divide & we’re so pleased to have been a part of this revolution to connect people using both high touch and high tech.

This success story of AAP also highlights the value that cloud telephony solutions can play in an application. The solutions are no more limited to businesses alone but are available & effectively create exceptional results in multiple other applications as well.

The services offered by Knowlarity have not played an important role in AAP’s success alone but are doing the same for thousands of businesses as well. You can read more success stories of us here.

To learn about our cloud telephony services contact us via chat, call, or email.

Knowlarity does not endorse any political party or have any political affiliation.

Written By:  Admin


Cloud Telephony
Cloud Communication
Aam Aadmi Party
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