Cloud Technology Drives Singapore Retail Enterprise to Do Better!

June 6, 2015

A prestigious interior design company based out of Singapore delivers space planning and architectural planning services for residential and commercial projects in Singapore.

The Need:

The company has been successful through its innovative marketing strategies via print media, radio, TV, etc. This has helped the company to receive a significant number of business enquiries everyday. And hence, they required a solution to intelligently route calls to its 6 showrooms spread across the city and reduce the hassle of managing numerous calls each day.

The Solution:

Knowlarity offered its flagship product – SuperReceptionist solution to help the company manage its customers call flow without any delay. By selecting the preferred extension, the support IVR solutions helped customers to directly connect with the right showroom.

For any other enquiries, customers get connected to the customer support department of the company. This has made the whole call management process easier and quicker. Hence, the company is able to ensure equal attention and an awesome experience to every customer.

Success Factor:

Here’s how SuperReceptionist solutions can help your business do better:

Choose your number with custom welcome greetings Route calls intelligently Greet in different languages Real-time analysis for your business Go-mobile with SuperReceptionist app Call recordings and logs deliver quality audits Multi-agent access for your executives Make the most of our virtual call center solutions to build a strong brand identity and establish healthy customer relationships, all at once!

Written By:  Admin


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