Enhance workforce productivity using cloud call center software

Oct 22, 2021

You may think dealing with employees from afar presents a host of issues, but there are actually several benefits of cloud call center software. You can choose the appropriate personnel regardless of their location when you use a virtual call center.

It is possible to provide 24/7 service by hiring agents from multiple time zones with lower overhead and maintenance costs than if you hired agents from one time zone only.

However, it's also necessary to keep track of employees' schedules and productivity when introducing a work-from-home arrangement. Motivating your team is also vital, which can be challenging in a remote setting. Maintaining everyone's focus requires a collaborative effort. The efficient management of call centers is crucial to ensuring all these points are handled.

In addition to saving time and money, implementing a virtual call center can also result in significant cost and time savings. When compared to a hardware-based solution, cloud call center software deployment takes minutes instead of days or weeks.

Tracking and aligning employee goals can be made easier with cloud software.

An employee's productivity and performance are among the goals of a manager. To make this happen, a consolidated data source is vital. The cloud telephony provider Knowlarity offers cloud call center software that offers employees and managers simple widgets and dashboard displays, aligning enterprise and agent goals.

Cloud contact centers are built by gaining insight into the operational efficiency of your remote team. By tracking KPIs across all channels and categorizing customer interactions, you can determine which channels have achieved success and which need attention. Monitoring customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and quality are easy with cloud call center software. In addition, we use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to identify new topics through language patterns, so you are aware of customer care levels.

Ensure excellent customer service by optimizing your virtual staff and operations

Making sure your customers are taken care of is of primary importance. But how can you optimize customer care when you manage a virtual staff? It's simple. Ensure that your staff is connected with calls from worldwide with Knowlarity's inbound call management. By combining ACD and call routing, customer support can be differentiated, and the right customer service strategies can be applied.

Around-the-clock skill-based call routing

With employees in multiple remote locations, your customers will have access to you around the clock, with agents providing the level of service they deserve. Providing the best customer experience remains your number one priority, and assigning the right team member to each call ensures a faster and more effective resolution.

The benefits of Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)

You must be prepared when your staff is remote, and ACD allows for geographical matching, customer self-selection, account-based ID, or automatic number identification (ANI) to reduce call waiting times. Improving these KPIs is critical for achieving customer satisfaction and increasing recommendations.

Self-Service Options to Benefit Customers and Staff

Eighty-three percent of customers were happy to use some type of self-service when calling a contact center. Incorporating a self-service solution puts customers in control, boosts efficiency, and frees agents to handle more complicated queries that require a human touch. It's up to you to make sure your team is equipped with the call center software they need for their job.

Providing Omnichannel Service to Build Strong Customer Relationships

Cloud-based call centers face the challenge of engaging with customers in multiple ways. In our mobile world, it's critical to offer a diverse selection of contact options while still providing continuity of service. When dealing with call center staff, customers complain about having to repeat the same information multiple times, and these customers expect consistency, personalized support, and little effort on their part to achieve this.

Agents are equipped with the information they need to help customers.

Utilizing an omnichannel platform, agents have access to the information they need across all channels to handle customer inquiries. Knowing the context will make it easier for you to determine the best course of action to take when resolving a customer issue. We lessen customer frustration by matching customers with agents who have the appropriate subject matter and channel skills, and we increase customer satisfaction and call resolution.

Written By:  Admin


Cloud Contact Centers
Virtual Number
Virtual Call Center
Cloud Telephony
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