5 Benefits of Toll-Free Numbers for SMEs and SMBs

Aug 24, 2021

Toll-free numbers are being used by businesses to enable customers to contact them effortlessly. The technology is fast gaining ground in India, where companies rely on the solution and reap the toll-free number benefits.

Let's discuss the top 5 benefits of the Toll-free number solutions.

1. Seamless & 24x7 Reach:

Toll-free solution provides a seamless way for the business to get in touch with the customers and offer them quick resolutions. A company can easily promote its products and services with the solution and make quick announcements about product launches, special offers and promote their goods and services. So, it's an instant way to connect with the audience and inform them.

Small businesses cannot afford to miss even a single opportunity to connect with their customers. With the solution, they can ensure 24x7 availability for their customers. Even after business hours and non-working days, they can know of the customers' calls. So, they can get back to the customers with the data available and provide the callers the resolution they need.

2. More Leads & create a successful marketing campaign:

SMEs and SMBs compete with large companies but with limited resources. But with the toll-free voice solution, they get more leads and successfully convert more leads. The solution offers SMEs and SMBs a cost-effective way to conduct marketing campaigns. They can create surveys and polls, collect feedback with great ease and make informed decisions regarding building a profitable business strategy.

Therefore, with the help of the solution, they can know the pulse of the people and meet the customers' expectations. Small businesses cannot spend an excessive amount on advertising and promotion. With this in mind, they can get the solution that proves to be a cost-efficient solution that gives them valuable information.

3. Higher Brand recall value:

Small businesses need to create an identity for themselves in the competitive marketplace. One of the most significant toll-free number benefits is building a higher brand recall value. These numbers starting with 1800, are easy to recall, and customers easily associate the number with a business.

A company can engage customers with the toll-free solution and provide them information with different campaigns, and in this way, they get more customers.

4. Higher Customer Satisfaction:

Small Businesses strive never to miss an opportunity to provide customers with an excellent experience. By delivering higher customer satisfaction, they can build a loyal customer base and engage more clients. Moreover, the callers do not have to bear the cost of the calls as it is free for them.

It rules out any skepticism to call the business because of the popular opinion that the call rates are costly. But with the toll-free technology, a company can ensure its callers have nothing to worry about the cost as they can freely express their opinion. It helps to provide a high rate of customer satisfaction as the callers feel taken care of as they can connect to the agents to solve their problems promptly.

5. Tap new business opportunities-

The premium toll-free numbers help small businesses explore new business markets and increase revenue. The solution is cloud-based, so it does not require any elaborate infrastructure, and the number can be set up within a few minutes. They can attract customers in foreign markets and engage prospective clients with the solution. With minimal investment, they can connect with new audiences.

Moreover, they are empowered to compete in the market with strategies backed by research based on customers' experiences. The Toll-free solution integrated with IVR offers consumers several options, and they can effortlessly choose the option that matches their requirements. They can quickly speak to the agent if they need to and ask them for feedback about their experience while conversing with the representative.

The entire marketing plan gets a new direction based on the feedback received. It gives them valuable input about the callers' preferences, and they can create the best business strategies that align with the customer's expectations. It is one of the major toll-free number benefits.


If you run a small or medium-sized organization, then you must invest in Toll-free solutions. Knowlarity has been providing the best cloud telephony solutions for SMEs. Knowlarity is playing a significant role in equipping SMEs and SMBs with toll-free numbers. As a small business owner, you can get the solution to reap the toll-free number of benefits.

Written By:  Admin


Toll Free Number
Cloud Communication
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