Five Ways Knowlarity Cloud Telephony helps in Disaster Recovery

Mar 12, 2022

To get exact data is the key to business success. Businesses have to extract data efficiently to prevail in the market. An entity working upon sensitive data should have up-to-date information according to the industry trends. As the significance and the quantity of the data increases, the probability of data loss raises exponentially.

Increasing risk of losing critical information has, in turn, led businesses to adopt efficient solutions for managing business efficiency and budgetary constraints. A crucial component of advanced systems – disaster recovery solutions – helps businesses to knock out all possible point of failures and build right and exact flexible solutions based upon budget.

Here we outline 5 ways Knowlarity Cloud Telephony helps in disaster recovery:

- Shields Company’s Reputation: Downtime costs business not just a financial loss but much more. Business client and partners could lose trust in business if primary constraints are not met at the right time due to downtime. For example, if CPA firm experiences downtime three days before the final date to file taxes and does not keep up with the services as promised, the organisation end up facing a lawsuit from unhappy customers. Business and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution enables businesses to know accurate data in the cloud and ensures that reputation of the company remains intact. As BDR supports IP network, it thus gives the flexibility to call routing.

- Maintains business’s potential to create revenue: Be it power shortage or server breakdown or another kind of extreme disaster, businesses have hurdles and they can’t run the way they want in such conditions. Downtime thus creates a severe impact on the organisation. The company may need to answer the calls urgently, reply to emails or access any part of data as per requirements. Slow down or even downtime gives businesses a setback. Identifying disaster threats and then analysing it at the right time can help businesses deal with potential threats efficiently and ensure that companies always have a chance for earning revenue.

- Protects telephone network from fraud: A well maintained and updated VoIP solution has potential service-level agreements (SLAs) and a disaster recovery plan which ensures that voice data is transferred through a secure network. The risk of hacker attack thus gets diluted. Some of the service providers usually send an automated email or SMS whenever a system reaches a pre-defined limit or completely restrict the outgoing calls until the problem is resolved.

- Overcome environmental issues: Flood, fire or any kind of power interruption can happen anywhere and anytime. With the help of hosted solutions, all the critical elements are physically located on service provider’s network at different working sites. Thus, critical functions such as voicemail can be easily accessed from any remote location. In the case of any serious environmental issue, IP networks can be used, from any place and business continues to stay on track.

- Robust Network Management: Disaster recovery plans offer advanced exhaustive network management to its clients that give detailed information of documents and helps to understand network functioning clearly which in turn enables businesses to resolve the issues rapidly. Automation of documents of networked equipment can be done by taking help of RMM applications. So, any kind of server failure or network issue in future can be easily identified and resolved.

So, if a disaster strikes at a place in future, DR plans in place will ensure that calls get routed to the desired site without changing dialling patterns of end-users. Being prepared for the disaster in businesses ensures that services never get affected or restricted. Phone systems stay fully operational and thus failover issues can be minimised.

Written By:  Admin


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