Home Appliances Uses Outbound Calling of Cloud Telephony

June 23, 2019

Home appliances are must have in the normal life of a modern man. It has been contributing in evolution right from the Stone Age. Companies are trying to make life easier for the consumers by inventing new home appliances. But we’ve taken a step further to ease it for the companies to manufacture and reach the customers easily. The struggle faced in this phase usually slips out of the frame. There are many products which are left unused because the users aren’t aware of them. In this process, a huge of amount of resources are wasted and circumstances are severe. But Outbound Calling is one of the most effective measures to solve this problem.

Don’t lose us here if you’re not sure what Outbound Calling is.

What is Outbound Calling?

**Outbound Calling **is one of the services provided by cloud telephony. It can immediately reach to thousands of people with the help of the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system. This includes mass calling, SMS, recorded messages and voicemail services.

Where can it be used?

Talking about usage, it can be used in many ways and on various platforms. When it comes to advertising or creating awareness among the users and non-users, it works well and eventually increases the traffic on the company website which results in more conversions.

Making Announcements – If there is some upcoming sale on appliances or launching a new product, outbound calls can help in inviting people to the event and make it a successful day.

Sending service reminders – Generally, the company provides the first 2-3 free services for the products. To remind the consumer about the expiry date of those services, outbound calling sends timely reminders so that the customer can use their free services.

Organize surveys to get feedback – Feedbacks are a part of the functioning and improving and what is better than calling the customer for instant feedback?

Inbound Sales – Outbound Calling can be useful in calling people up and making on-call deals. These types of deals are usually profitable for the company.

Personalized Greeting Messages – Greeting people on call before starting the conversation is a nice way to build credible image and keep the customers happy and satisfied.

How much does it cost?

The cost varies from company to company and depends on the scale of usage. For instance – If the consumer wants to contact 10,000 numbers at a time, it would be more costly than that of 100 numbers at a time.

There are many outbound calling service providers in India and abroad. Some of them are Knowlarity, Exotel, Ozonetel, Myoperator and many others.

Among these, Knowlarity provides national and international service along with many other features.

Learn More…

If you’re still hesitating, apply for the free trial right here and then take action accordingly. Try now and pay later!

Written By:  Admin


Automated Outbound Calling
Interactive voice response
Virtual Number
Cloud Telephony
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