How does a click to call works and its benefits?

December 21, 2021

Click-to-call is a type of digital communication where the user clicks on a button or a link for immediate connection to another user. For example, the click-to-dial feature lets you contact a customer by simply clicking a button or a linked number. You don't need a hard-line connection for this call. Instead, your softphone routes the call.

Click-to-call works through a softphone. By using the softphone app, the voices of the participants are converted into data. There are many ways of doing this:

  • Any number that appears on an employee's device can be clicked, and a softphone connects the parties.
  • CRM (customer relation management) software can be integrated with click-to-call software.
  • Connecting with a customer is as simple as clicking a button.
  • CRM pulls the contact information from the customer's profile, and the click-to-call software makes the connection.

When it comes to click to call, what are the benefits?

Call-to-action has changed the face of customer communication forever. You may increase conversions and customer satisfaction by allowing customers to contact you via your website, as well as provide exceptional customer service.

You can benefit from click-to-call on your website in many ways.

  • It is crucial to target the right customer at the right time. Click-to-call software provides you with far greater flexibility than just dialing a regular telephone number. Intelligent engagement rules also allow you to optimize proactive communication. Depending on how long a customer spends on your website or the contents of their basket, a click-to-call pop-up may be triggered, encouraging them to get in touch so that you can guide them to the right direction. When you have a lot of information, it is easier to be selective. The conversion funnel is thus the ultimate tool for optimization.

  • It is much easier to track click-to-call interactions than phone calls since you can see what web page the customer called you from! Having all this information available can be very valuable for mapping customer journeys and empowering your agents.

  • Understanding where your customers call you from can help you identify sticking points on your website. The data could indicate that the information on a page isn't apparent, for instance, if many customers call on one specific page. You can improve the customer journey by knowing what copy, visuals, and user experience to use.

  • Providing your agents with relevant and valuable data will make them more efficient and productive. With click-to-call, agents receive crucial context about customer calls, which helps them better address their problems. These additional details help agents resolve issues more effectively, increasing their chances of first-time success.

  • Customers can contact you using a click-to-call tool that is very effective. Click-to-call options on a website encourage 88% of customers to get the business.

  • Telephone calls traditionally involve just a voice conversation. Compared to an entirely web-based click-to-call interchange, co-browsing, live chat, and video calls are easily accessible by this means.

  • This seamless transition allows agents to serve customers best and offer a superior customer experience, increasing first-time resolution rates, conversions, and customer satisfaction.

  • Customer experiences can be transformed with these extra channels of contact. First, your website provides customers with a direct method to reach you. Then, this interaction can be escalated to another channel in just a few clicks depending on the request and customer's needs. Click to call has many benefits from a customer perspective, as well as monetary benefits.

Lastly, web click-to-call enables international customers to contact you more efficiently and at a lower cost. With this button, every customer does not need to incur international call costs to reach you.

Written By:  Aliya


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