Video Conferencing Solutions in the Current World

September 22, 2021

In only the last year, a lot has changed around the world. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the world has stayed in and the way we operated, the world ran and how life functioned has changed in totality. The way people expected life to be in the big 2020 and the post-2020 world, isn’t how times have been. All of this predicament also means a new reality- staying home in the lockdown and not meeting friends, family, and even co-workers.

In incomparable times like these, Video Conferencing Solutions have come to our rescue. From businesses keeping business as usual to families meeting over- Video Conferencing Platforms have supported it all.

History about Video Conferencing Solutions

The first video conference technology goes back to the audio wires in the 1870s and Bell Lab’s video phone in 1927, which has adapted and evolved into the modern video conference of today. From the early Bell Labs patents to the inception of the word “video” to the English language/dictionary and all the way up to the first-ever Video Call, the narrative of video conferencing is an interesting example of technical prowess and progress. Interestingly, not-so-old startups which hardly go back in time have already started filing for IPOs!

Benefits Video Conferencing Solutions

Some of the obvious benefits derived for an individual, or even a business by using Video Conferencing are experiencing in-person like meetings online, saving on time and energy, expenses on physical office spaces. Now let’s dive deeper into the various benefits Video Conferencing brings to different aspects of life-

Better Work Efficiency for Work - In times like these, it is impossible for work goers to continue their routine of going to work and having work meetings with co-workers and customers. With the help of a Video Conferencing Solution, organizations are able to retain the quality that in-person interactions brought to make sure that work doesn’t get affected even due to the Covid Situation. There’s no stopping to webinars and (virtual) meets.

Coffee break and water cooler interactions may be zero to none, but for organizations that use Video Conferencing, it is business as usual.

Stay Connected with Friends & Family - It’s difficult to stay isolated. Human beings are social creatures that need to interact with other beings to feel at peace. With the pandemic in place, it’s nearly impossible for us to stay connected with our family and friends as before. However, Video Calling solutions and platforms enable people to see their friends and family and not only hear their voices. In recent while, people are having dates, meetings and even weddings on video. Video Conferencing Solutions have made things a tad bit easy for people.

Get on with Life - Apart from socializing and going to work, there are a plethora of work and functions that need regular outings. It was extremely difficult to do daily tasks like seeing a doctor, attending lectures, or any functions that require in-person interactions. Had Video Conferencing not been there, the many functions that are essential for life to go on, would not have been served. However, with the option of dialing up a Video Call, organizations/businesses innovated; class lectures are being delivered online to make sure that there’s no loss of an academic session, patients can consult doctors online, etc.

Why choose Video Conferencing

In essence, Video Conferencing Solutions have not only aided businesses in conducting their business but also individuals stay socialized. Many businesses have even realized that can easily conduct their operations online and go remote. Working remotely is seamless if one integrates a Video Conferencing Platform. The aspect of socialization of humans can be achieved via random video calls with friends and family in this era of isolation.

Where to get Video Conferencing Tools

Knowlarity offers Video APIs/SDKs that can be integrated within a website or application to provide to customers a branded video experience. As a business, it’s prudent to invest in a Video Conferencing Solution that’s not just limited to dialing up Video Calls.

Knowlarity has Video Platform also has a dashboard that can provide the business data on their Video Calls so that business leaders and managers can keep a check on their operations.

To learn further, please contact our customer support team, available 24x7 to help you.

Written By:  Admin


Video Conferencing Software
Video Calls
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