What Is A Cloud Telephony Product, And Why Is It Important? Who Needs Cloud Telephony?

Jun 6, 2022

Often organisations want to do more at a lesser cost. Phone calls and tracing the potential leads are some well-known areas where organisations want to achieve more at a lesser expense. With the advent of cloud technology, costs on different grounds like computation, storage, networking, etc., became cheaper.

Lots of telephony systems have also grown, holding the hands of the cloud. Cloud telephony products are one such vertical. This comprehensive guide will provide exclusive detaining on cloud telephony products, their importance, and who need cloud telephony solutions.

What is a cloud telephony product?

Cloud telephony is a cloud-based phone system that leverages internet connection and VoIP protocol to streamline all business communication across the globe at a significantly lower cost. This Unified Communication-as-a-Service (UCaaS) employs conventional enterprise telephone systems such as hosted PBX solutions. Hence, cloud telephony is also called VoIP-based hosted PBX calling system.

These cloud telephony products render cloud communication with security, scalability, and various analytics support that traditional telephony systems cannot deliver. According to the Research and Markets report, the global cloud phone system service market will grow to 40 billion USD by 2027 compared to 2020 with 13.5 billion USD. This growth is at a CAGR of 16.8 per cent. Let us now dive into the nitty-gritty of cloud telephony and why it is important.

Importance of Cloud Telephony

There are plenty of reasons why cloud telephony replaced traditional telephone systems and became a significant aspect of the business. Let us now take a closer look at it.

1. Keep your business awake: Businesses that are not reachable by the customers and do not remain active 24x7 usually throw a poor impact on the customers' minds. Businesses can thrive and earn more profits if they stay active round the clock. The IVR system/feature in cloud telephony helps attend to all business calls irrespective of the time zone. AI-based IVR and intelligent chat services remain active in such cloud telephony systems. They will prompt or redirect the calls to a specific department or customer care executives when they arrive at their desk.

2. A single number can expand your business territory: Cloud telephony products are essential because many businesses want their customers to reach them through one single number across the globe. Cloud telephony can help enable that benefit. Enterprises can use that cloud phone system's number for marketing campaigns. One single number can help reach the business to millions, if not billions, of potential leads.

Cloud Telephony

3. Set your customer care agents to roam freely: As the pandemic crashes the standard business ecosystem, owners have been running businesses remotely. In this technological era, a majority of the essential tasks do not remain tied to wires. Having a wired landline usually limits the potential of attending calls. Therefore, businesses can leverage cloud communication through cloud phone systems.

The intelligent IVR system is such a product that can redirect all business calls to concerned departments and agents to their personal/official phone numbers, irrespective of the geolocation. Such a cloud phone system also masks the customer and agent's personal numbers so that they do not receive unnecessary calls.

4. Low cost with high benefit: Another important reason businesses prefer to switch to cloud telephony is the low cost. Since cloud communication uses the internet for communication, the communication cost has dropped drastically. The business does not require incurring additional charges to contact the customers internationally.

With cloud phone systems, enterprises can also stay ahead of various constraints such as limited calling minutes, maintenance contracts, a fixed number of call-receiving options in toll-free numbers, tracking potential leads, and paying separately for SMS services.

Who needs cloud telephony?

Any business that wants to thrive and expand its reach in the international market can opt for cloud communication. Apart from this factor, companies that want to serve their customers 24x7 make a global branding virtually, promote their brand name through promotional videos and campaigns, view analytics, or require rapid scalability in communication can opt for cloud telephony systems.

The benefits of cloud communication services are endless. If you are looking for an outstanding cloud telephony provider, try Knowlarity. We ranks at the top among various cloud telephony providers.

Written By:  Manna Khare


Cloud Telephony
Cloud Communication
Telephony Products
Cloud Phone Based System
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