Check out these great email apps for your smartphone

March 4, 2015

Here’s a quick question: what’s the most popular business use of a smartphone that has made it an indispensable tool for professionals? If you answered ‘email’, then you’re banging on target. But are you sure the email app you’re using on your phone is the best one for you?

The odds are that if you’re using iOS or Android, you’re probably using one of the stock email apps that come with your phone – Gmail on Android or Mail on iOS. While these apps are perfectly functional and you’re not likely to be found complaining about them, these provide – as most stock apps tend to – the bare minimum level of functionality. If you look around, you’ll find quite a few third-party smartphone email apps that offer a lot more in terms of features, especially those business users will find valuable. What kind of features? While third-party apps have their own strengths and areas of weakness, in general, you’ll find that they can beat the stock apps your phone comes within almost every area – productivity, integration with other services popular with business users, gestures, and ease of use. Convinced? Want to try out another mobile email app on your smartphone? Here’s a list of the best smartphone email apps for business users:

Power users will like the ease-of-use Mailbox offers

The stock Gmail / Mail apps that come with your phone are simple to use. But they don’t offer many gestures or ease-of-use enhancements that can really boost productivity for heavy users. If you’re with us on this and want a full-featured email app that not only offers easy-to-use gestures (that learn from your usage patterns) but also includes power-user features like reminders and email snooze, tries out Mailbox (for iOS and Android).

Boomerang makes it easy to schedule and track messages

Boomerang was originally a Chrome extension that became popular for its ability to track and snooze messages (features that are a real boon for heavy users). It also offers an Android app ( that brings these features to your smartphone.

Want easy integration with other apps? Try Cloudmagic

Evernote, MailChimp, Wunderlist, Salesforce… All these are apps and SAAS tools that many businesses have adopted. And now there’s a way of integrating these into your email workflow as well: Cloudmagic. Available on iOS and Android, Cloudmagic not only includes support for a wide variety of email services but offers a minimalistic design that reduces distraction. Gestures, fast search, passcode security, reminders, the ability to work with other apps directly from your email; all these features coupled with Cloudmagic’s clean interface and app integrations make it one of the best apps for power users.

Social media gurus will love Tipbit

On the move and on social media? Try out Tipbit for iOS. Billing itself as a ‘complete’ solution, Tipbit offers support for several email and social media services, making it easy to search and share directly from your phone. But what business users will especially like is Tipbit’s in-built support for your business calendar. Need more reasons to switch? This nifty little app also shows you other relevant messages, contact info, and appointments even while you’re reading your mail.

Exchange user? Try Mailwise or Boxer

For many large companies, Microsoft Exchange remains the email and communication service of choice. But the stock apps’ in-built support for Exchange often stops at the bare minimum. If your company also uses Exchange, you might want to try out Mailwise (Android) or Boxer (iOS and Android). Mails claim to offer unrivaled privacy and also support easy grouping of messages, making your inbox less cluttered. And if you’re looking for integration with other apps like Evernote, LinkedIn, and Dropbox, and want passcode security with ease-of-use enhancements like custom combined folders, give Boxer a whirl.

Like most stock apps that come with your smartphone, your average email client is functional, but also rather basic. And if you’re a business user who really depends on email to keep on top of things, you might like the added features and functionality these third-party email apps offer.

There’s some more good news for heavy email users. Remember, Google’s Inbox, a ‘smart’ email client that plugs into your Gmail and other Google services, providing you with quick and easy access to all the information you need? Well, Google has announced that Inbox will also soon be available for users of Google Apps! Till then, try any of the apps we’ve covered here – any one of these is guaranteed to offer you a lot more in terms of features. And do let us know which ones you prefer!

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Written By:  Admin


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