5 Ways you can foster productivity for your support team

June 6, 2021

A company’s performance depends upon the working of the system, their employees and many other factors. Amongst all these, one of the major factors is a customer. Customers accelerate the company’s performance. We don’t have to emphasis on why and how productivity is important. Many scientific facts have proved that too. People perform better in a nice environment.

Increase in productivity can result in better employee performance. It increases the overall work efficiency of a company. When the efficiency increases, the capacity of the company is utilized to its optimum level. Thus, all the resources get used in the most effective way to get the maximum profit along with business growth, meeting customer demand and keep the competition factor alive.

When it comes to increasing productivity, here are some effective ways in which you can make your employees happy and keep them motivated:

Team-Building Activity

Internal Engagement among employees can give them a break from their regular work. It not only refreshes them but also improves team working skill that is used in many aspects to improve a company’s performance. For fun events, organising team building activities like treasure hunt helps in improving the bond between employees.

Giving Feedback

Feedback is an important part of life. It works as a ray of hope that the employee feels that something should be changed. They won’t try to change themselves until they feel it in the first place. Employees can take a reference to the feedbacks and improve their performance. It helps employee discover or realize the bad habits that they ignored earlier.

Train them

Training employees regularly is an effective way to increase productivity. If working becomes constant, then performance begins to degrade. It has been proven that new employees usually work better when they are provided with training as soon as they join. Moreover, learning is always fun.

Work from Home

Sometimes employees don’t feel like going to the office and working. It can happen due to any personal reason or health problem. Cloud Telephony allows you to work from home. It takes the work to cloud which can be operated from anywhere in the world. Productivity increases as mobility increases.

Use Technology

As technology is advancing, a company can use these technologies to improve their performance. Below are some technologies you can use to boost productivity:

Progressive Dialler

Progressive dialler is an automatic dialing system. It reaches the customer once the agent is ready to answer. In simpler words, it first dials the agent and then calls the customer keeping the agent on the line.

Personalised Greetings

An agent sits for 8-10 hours talking to customers. It gets annoying sometimes to greet people every time, so with the help of IVR or Virtual Number, it gets easier to record personalized greetings.

ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition)

It is an application that is programmed to act upon voice recognition. It can help in classifying calls in different categories based on keywords.

Call Tracking

Tracking call logs and other details can help the support team to locate which areas deal with what kind of problems. They get to know where to focus more and it saves time.

The power of productivity can never be ignored. These tactics can help in improving employee engagement and eventually improving the company’s performance. Those who ignore this problem at the early stage often pay a heavy amount of loss in the form of reduced sales or loss.

Therefore, it can be concluded that productivity can be used as a measure of failure or success in any kind of business.

Written By:  Admin


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