Drive More Conversion Using Virtual Number Solution

Nov 16, 2021

The success of a business is directly proportional to the presence of its communication channels. The virtual number solution is a makeshift change in the experience of your online customers. A virtual number is a strategic measure for coordination between diverse teams from across the globe. Virtual number is not connected to any physical SIM Card or Telephone, but it is connected directly via robust cloud infrastructure.

A virtual number is an intelligent business solution with powerful features available at a very economical price. Solutions like this amplify the customer experience and drive sales resulting in increased revenue and reduced operational costs.

Benefits of Virtual Number Solution for driving conversions:

1. Higher Conversion Rates: Virtual number provides the functionality to track every inbound and outbound call from the business. This helps to generate unique business leads and the potential to engage proactively to drive more conversion from calls to customers.

2. Omnipresent communication channel: A single contact number can forward the customer calls to any customer executive or agent. Virtual numbers can also transfer calls to landlines which can help manage business calls from any location. The customer also has to call a single number instead of having separate contacts for each department, reducing customer effort.

3. Number Masking: This helps in ensuring customer privacy and leakage of leads. The solution is implemented such that the customer and agent details are hidden during a live call.

4. Analysis of Call Data: The virtual number is a cloud-based platform that makes it easy to manage and explore business metrics. Customer queries and call records can be maintained to find out areas of highest customer and brand interaction. Customer segmentation can generate data-driven insights, and analytics can help business leaders to make decisions based on actual data.

5. Store the business leads: The system enables you to store the business leads or contacts. Follow-up interactions can be scheduled automatically to follow up on the leads of queries and issues raised by customers. The system can easily classify and nurture high-quality leads to reduce churn rates for the organisation and offer streamlined customer engagement.

6. IVR Technology: Interactive voice response (IVR) is a powerful tool that can automate the company’s telecommunication channels for a virtual Indian Number. This uses pre-recorded voice messages to greet all of the incoming callers. This can also greet the customer in their native language based on the geographical area of the incoming call, which adds a personal touch to the company sales. The system can automatically route the calls to the best-suited agent, reducing wait times and enhancing customer experience.

7. Integration with CRM Tools: The call tracking services can be integrated with other business tools and Customer Relationships Management (CRM) tools like Salesforce and Google Analytics. The CRM tools provide a dashboard-based approach for data visualization and a holistic view of the marketing performance.

A virtual number is an intelligent business solution with powerful features available at a very economical price. Solutions like these amplify the customer experience and drive sales for the company resulting in increased revenue and reduced operational costs. A virtual number in India can be used for maintaining global operations.

The investment in virtual phone numbers is an apt choice for creating a complete system and a worthy investment for any business. Virtual numbers have now emerged as the new standard of digital communication for consumers and business technology. These newer technologies are less expensive than traditional landlines and calling.

Knowlarity is the globally trusted product by over 6000+ businesses across 65+ countries and is ranked the leading cloud communication provider in the emerging markets. We have close to 300+ employees globally, offering unmatched reliability and intelligence, catering to client demands, and assisting them in each step of their business process.

Written By:  Admin


Virtual Number Solution
IVR Solution
Number Masking
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