Enable Agents to connect faster with your customers via Progressive Dialer

Sep 15, 2021

The progressive Dialer is one of the most useful technologies businesses can use to communicate with their customers. It enables the agents to connect faster and effortlessly with the callers and resolve their queries instantly. Customers appreciate the quick response from businesses as waiting for too long results in dissatisfaction.

Progressive Dialer is a solution that automatically dials a number from the contact lists and enables the agent to call customers quickly. Large companies in the UAE are adopting this technology to streamline their voice operations.

Outbound call centers are increasingly using the auto-dialer solution as it saves a lot of time, leading to operational efficiency. Handling large call volumes becomes an easy task with the solution as there's no need to dial the numbers manually. The agents can focus on improving the customer experience and making the conversation more fruitful. They can provide the best response to the callers while the Dialer places the call automatically for them.

The auto dialer software enables the agents to attend more callers as automatic dialing saves manual effort and time; it gives them ample time to connect with more callers and convert a higher number of leads. The software allows organizations to improve their revenue with more calls, more leads, and more customers.

Connecting faster with the callers is a significant step towards creating more leads for a business. With more time on their hands, they have the opportunity to convert more leads. They can optimally utilize their time and resources to yield better revenue for the business.

If the agent misses a call, the number is not lost as it is saved in the records. No potential lead is forgotten as the agents can get back to the caller immediately after they complete the current call. The market is fiercely competitive, and a business cannot afford to lose even a single customer. The solution keeps track of the missed calls, and the customer is happy to get a call back from the company. It helps in building customer loyalty, and a business can convert more leads into customers.

The Progressive Dialer helps to improve the agents' productivity as they spend more average time conversing with the customers, understanding their issues, and providing a relevant satisfactory response. The Dialer allows optimum utilisation of resources, time, and energy resulting in higher efficiency. It is built-in with several advanced features. Faster Connectivity: The solution automatically dials a number from the contacts list and instantly connects with the customers.

Upload phonebook: Easily upload the phone book in the software to automate the outbound calling process. Access to agents' information: All the agents' data is accessible through a single dashboard. It also displays the agents' availability, and managers can modify it as per the requirement. Companies can learn about the number of live calls they have made. With instant insights into their performance, organisations can take the necessary steps to improve efficiency.

Insight into outbound campaigns: Get a 360-degree view of the outbound campaigns with the solution. They can be easily classified based on their type and get insights into their performance. It helps to make better decisions and optimise the allocation of resources to get a high ROI.

Live Analytics: The auto dialer tracks, monitors, and records live calls. Live updates on the live calls and reports enable the company to understand the level of operational efficiency. With analytics, companies can review the performance of the agents and learn about the customers' issues.

Easy Integration: The solution can be easily integrated with CRM, and data at one place can be accessed, giving more clarity on operational efficiency. With complete details of every number dialed, agents can provide quick responses to the callers. Customers are happy with the experience as in less time, their queries are resolved quickly.

If you are looking forward to getting the most reliable Progressive Dialer solution, Knowlarity will be an apt choice. The company has been serving small and mid-size businesses and addressing large corporations' requirements to connect with their customers faster.

Get your free trial for auto dialer now! Feel free to visit www.Knowlarity.com/voice/auto-dialer to know more about the solution and get in touch with Knowlarity.

Did you know that more than 15000 businesses across 65 + countries trust Knowlarity for their high-quality cloud communication products and services? Get the progressive dialer solution to improve your agents' productivity. Connect quickly with your callers and create a happy customer base by providing them with quick, seamless conversations that help them get quick resolutions to their queries.

Written By:  Admin


Progressive Dialer
Auto Dialer
Cloud Telephony
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