Get A Lead At No Cost With A Missed Call Number

Jul 05, 2018

Every business faces two major problems:-

  1. Problems related to funds

  2. Problems related to new customers/leads

No matter which business it is, it requires funds and customers for its survival. Therefore, every company aims at increasing their customers, but by spending the minimum cost.

Vacuum Builders Private Limited was not getting any customer response even after spending a lot of money on advertisement, and social media campaigns. This worried the company head and they wanted a solution that would be both economical and beneficial at the same time. They wanted a solution that would not be costly. After discussing all this with a consultant they got to know about missed call numbers.

What is a Missed Call Number?

A missed call number is a number that is provided by a service provider. The customer only has to give a missed call on the number. This would notify the receiver and the receiver will call the customer back. A missed call number helps in saving money as the caller does not have to pay for the call. It also saves time as the caller never gets a busy tone.

How Does It Help In a Lead Generation At No Cost?

After knowing about missed call numbers they wanted to know how will it help in lead generation at no cost. This was possible as:-

A missed call number attracts more customers than any other solution because it is more customer-friendly.

With a missed call number the customer will just have to give a missed call and the company will call him back. This not only saves a customer’s time but also his efforts.

A missed call number increases customer satisfaction as the customer will never get a busy call. Moreover, he would not have to call the company again and again. Rather the company will call them back after getting a missed call notification.

A missed call service allows the customer to talk at length and clear all their doubts as they are not paying for the call.

Still thinking about how it helps the company?

A missed call number helps the company to reach out to more customers as compared to any other solution.

It is way more economical than any other lead generation tool like advertising and social media promotions.

With a missed call number a company can improve its reputation. It allows the company to get connected to any customer just through a missed call.

A missed call number also helps the company in maintaining records. Whenever a person gives a missed call on the number provided all his data is recorded automatically. This way the company also saves money as they do not have to hire an employee to maintain records separately.

It reduces the work of a company agent. Missed call agent does not have to search for people from all over the world and call them as if they require any service provided by their company. This is because now the agent simply has to call those interested customers who have given a missed call on the number provided by the company. This saves agents time and effort.

All these advantages of a missed call number helped Vacuum Builders Private Limited understand the importance and impact of a missed call number on lead generation at no cost.

Therefore, they decided to take a missed call number for their business from Knowlarity. To explore further, please contact our customer support team, available 24x7 to help you.

Written By:  Admin


Missed Call
Cloud Based System
Vaccum Builders
Cloud Telephony
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