Get a world-class customer support solution with Knowlarity’s new Call Centre

March 14, 2022

Get a world-class customer support solution with Knowlarity’s new Call Centre

Small business and startups can find it challenging to implement an effective customer support solution. There’s only so much email and social media can do – the best way of helping turn the frown of a dissatisfied customer into a smile is to give them efficient and personalised voice support. But call centres have been usually regarded as the preserve of corporate giants with deep pockets. Until now. The cloud telephony experts Knowlarity now have a new solution, which lets even fledgling startups and SMEs establish inbound call centres – at a fraction of the cost of a traditional call centre, and with excellent scalability for the future, and best of all, ease of administration that doesn’t require the hiring of highly paid telecom professionals.

All you need for your new call centre is the Internet

‘Traditional’ call centres are expensive to set up and difficult to maintain. You need a high-end facility, expensive telecom links, and plenty of trained staff just to keep things running. Cloud telephony solutions, like Knowlarity’s Call Centre, do away with such hassles. Using powerful cloud computing infrastructure, Call Centre lets you set up as a 40-seat inbound call centre without requiring fancy, expensive equipment. All you need are customer support technicians will mobile phones and via the magic of cloud telephony, your customers can easily reach out to you for any sort of enquiries – whether sales queries or customer support. That’s right, all you need is an Internet connection and phones (either landline or mobile) for your support and sales agents, and you get all the features of a top-of-the-line call centre, without any of the expense and technical challenge. Set up call monitoring, use custom hold music, set up your own call routing and flow, create separate agent and supervisor roles, and analyse performance using a live dashboard… keeping your customers happy is easy with Knowlarity Call Centre.

It’s scalable, affordable, and reliable

Just try and imagine what it’s like to set up you own call centre, using the ‘regular’ telecom technology. You’ll need to spend on a separate building, with costs involving (and not restricted to) rent, power backup, backup telecom lines, facility management, custom systems development… And even then, you can’t be assured of 24×7, 365-days- year reliability. And what’s worse, as your business grows and you need to add more staff, or you expect a heavy rush of callers ahead of the festive season, how do you expand your facility without disrupting operations? So what happens is that the business department tasked with making sure your customers are happy becomes an expensive, difficult to maintain white elephant.

Call Centre to the rescue

But if you’re using Call Centre by Knowlarity, you won’t have these worries. All you’ll have to do is set up your call flow and add your agents to the dashboard. That’s it, you’re all set! Whether your agents are freelancers working in another city, or are working out of your headquarters, it’s as simple as that. No need for difficult negotiations with an outsourcing company, no worries about whether your sensitive data and customer delight aims are taken care of properly by a third-party, and certainly no worries about whether to spend a major chunk of your budget on an in-house call centre. After all, how much do mobile phones and a good Internet connection cost? The answer should be easy – if you’re a small or medium sized business, Knowlarity’s Call Centre offers unbeatable value, a great feature set, and unmatched reliability – something you won’t find elsewhere!

Written By:  Admin


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