How To Do Automated Outbound Calling The Right Way?

July 19, 2022

Companies are leveraging automated outbound calling solutions to enable recorded voice interaction with the customers without human intervention. Organisations are shifting towards these solutions to establish concurrent automated outbound calls to target customers. This article will give you a comprehensive view of outbound auto-dialers and how to perform automated outbound calling appropriately.

What are auto-dialers?

Auto-dialers are automated calling systems or electronic devices that utilise software solutions to generate outbound calls and dial telephone numbers automatically. Once the customer answers the call, the auto-dialer system will play a recorded message or lead the caller through a menu-driven option so that it can connect to the live person/agent.

Which part of the call can a business automate?

There are various domains wherein the business can automate outbound calls.

  • Keeping call records: Integrating your auto-dialling system with customer relationship management (CRM) solutions can keep track of all incoming call records of parties interested in your brand. The system can then spawn outbound calls to each potential customer.

  • Identifying potential callers: Businesses can also automate the identification of potential callers through auto-dialling systems. Organisations can perform this by incorporating an integrated voice response (IVR) system. It will request information from callers to understand their needs and connect them to the right agent.

  • Getting real-time data insight: Automated outbound calling can gather data from integrated CRM systems, allowing call centre agents to capture insights from call-related data in real-time. Such analytics and insights can guide agents to better leverage & execute automated outbound calls.

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How to leverage automated outbound calling the right way?

Businesses should render different approaches to leverage automated outbound calling in the right manner.

The following list includes some of them.

  • Quality assurance check: Outbound telephone calls are often scrutinised by the public. Many individuals indicate negative perceptions of such an approach. Thus, your calling system should ensure that outbound interactions with potential customers remain consistently outstanding. Also, modern call management systems come with AI-driven quality assurance features so that the automated outbound calls can generate new leads rather than turning them away.

  • Proactive customer service: Your business can leverage automated calling systems to offer customer care services proactively. Calling the customers concerning a query before they reach out enhances the business's reputation and genuinely showcases the care that the brand provides its customers. It is also one of the proven strategies to help customers with service changes, billing inquiries, and technical concerns.

  • Regulatory compliance: Automatic calling systems for generating outbound calls must comply with necessary laws and regulations. Any equipment or software that fails to comply with the regulations pays heavy penalties. It should comply with the regulations such as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), etc. Aligning with these compliance measures will keep your organisation protected from lawsuits and fines.

  • Sourcing customer feedback: Another area to implement automated calling systems is when sourcing feedback from customers. Businesses enhance their feedback-taking approach without agent intervention by generating automated outbound calls. The respondents will go through a recorded message about the survey & receive a prompt to enter their feedback. Such a survey by automated calling system can enhance business productivity and reduce redundant workloads from the customer care team.

  • Personalise outbound calls: Businesses can also use automated calling systems to customise outbound calls for reputed clients. Also, they can leverage its tracking and monitoring feature to deliver custom inputs for the communication and make necessary changes to serve the clients/customers better.

Whether you have a small, medium-scale, or large-scale brand or business serving a wide-ranging customer base, an automated outbound calling service offers significant advantages to boost your business performance. It is also essential to comprehend the right ways of leveraging such a system for your business. If you are considering using an automated outbound calling service for your enterprise, try Knowlarity. Knowlarity tops the list of competent calling system service providers in the market today.

Written By:  Manna Khare


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