What Is Call Masking and How Does a Call Masking Solution Work?

June 3, 2022

What Is Call Masking?

Call masking, also known as number masking or phone number masking, is one of the most effective techniques to secure a customer's identity and privacy without compromising their personal information. It allows you and your clients to communicate in both directions while keeping phone numbers secured. With the help of call masking, your number is kept undisclosed to ensure full security and create a safe environment. Call masking allows people to connect for a specified time.

What Are Masked Phone Numbers?

Masked phone numbers are referred to as proxy or anonymised numbers. They are used to hide the caller's private phone number and forward it to the desired recipient. There are instances when giving your phone number is a huge cause of annoyance, and it is critical to keep your number hidden. When you have a masked phone number, both parties' privacy and personal information are secured, and the phone number is masked.

How Does Call Masking Solution Work?

Call masking is a technique for protecting customer privacy and hiding phone numbers. If a customer calls another customer through your business app and you don't want them to know one other's phone numbers, call masking software is your saviour. When a client hits 'call customer,' the call is routed through call masking, and when the number is sent to them, the receiver sees a different number, which is a masked number. So, if you, as a business, care for your customers' safety, get a call masking solution now!

These call masking solutions work on the basis of cloud telephony. The most effective technique for businesses to safeguard their customers' identities and prevent important information from being exploited is phone number masking (also known as call masking). To anonymise the participant phone numbers, this method connects the call through a temporary proxy phone number. Below is the entire process involved:

Each customer will be allocated to a certain executive as their point of contact until the service/transaction is completed.

Customers and executives will be able to communicate using the mobile app/'call' website's option.

Our server will send the caller's information to your business server, which will then provide the appropriate executive's phone number.

The call will be directed to the phone of the concerned executive without revealing any personal information.

Benefits of Call Masking

  • Secure Interactions

Many consumers are worried that businesses are prone to getting their sensitive data leaked. Best-in-class call Masking services, like that of Knowlarity, ensure a secure interaction with a brand by removing any vulnerable loopholes that customers encounter. You may easily communicate with your firm without fear of data breaches or identity theft.

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement

As most people are reluctant about sharing their personal information like phone numbers due to the rise in cybercrimes, call masking is advantageous in gaining their trust. It also helps to increase brand awareness and consumer value. Gaining client trust aids in attracting new consumers.

  • Real-time Data Insights

This one solution might provide you with a large quantity of real-time client data insights. This may be used to keep track of agent performance as well as data and analytics to improve your services. You fulfil all of your communication demands at a reasonable price, thus saving money over time.

  • Call Tracking and Monitoring

A call masking solution is of great help when it comes to tracking and monitoring calls. All incoming and outgoing calls between agents and clients are recorded and monitored for quality assurance and data analysis with the help of these cloud telephony solutions.


This privacy-focused solution is essential if you want your customer to be carefree about sharing their credentials. Above all, it is capable of safeguarding the client and the brand from deception and other social risks.

If you need a call masking solution, Knowlarity is without a doubt the best option available. It has served a wide range of sectors and is trusted by over 6000 enterprises in 65 countries, making it the largest cloud communication provider in growing markets of cloud telephony services. With our smart platform, which allows business communication via audio, video, AI, and texting, we provide unsurpassed dependability and intelligence to our clients.

So, what is still holding you back? Get in touch with us now at 1800-1020-340, or leave your queries at customersupport@knowlarity.com!

Written By:  Aakanksha


Call Masking
Call Masking Solution
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