Unlocking the Secrets to Measure the Impact of Your Toll-Free Number

Apr 13, 2023

A toll-free number can be an extremely valued asset for any business offering its customers an easy way to connect with you without incurring any costs. However, having a toll-free number isn’t enough. You need to understand how can you track the effectiveness of your toll-free number and you should have the right tools to do the same.

The ultimate goal of a toll-free number is to provide value to your business by enabling customers to contact you without charges and in an easy way. In this blog post, we will explore some ways to track the effectiveness of your toll-free numbers.

Secret Ways of Measuring Effectiveness of Toll-Free Phone Number

Call Tracking Software

A call-tracking system or software is a great way to track the effectiveness of your toll-free number. With the help of software like this, you can the number of calls your business receives on the toll-free number, the time of the day you get calls, and even the duration of each call. The call recording is also available to analyze them later and determine if there are any areas of improvement in your customer service process.

There are several call tracking software options available online and you can buy one which suits your needs. These tools allow you to assign unique phone numbers to different marketing campaigns, and let you track the success of each campaign. They also make it an easy way to determine which campaigns or the associated toll-free numbers are driving the most calls.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a super powerful tool that can help you track the impact of your toll-free phone number. By setting up the goals in Google Analytics, you can easily track how many people call your toll-free number from your website, for how long they stay on the call, and what all website pages they visited before making the call and after the call.

For setting up the goals in Google Analytics, you have to create a new goal and select “Call” as the goal type. Then, enter your toll-free number as the destination URL. Once you have set up your goals, you can track the call conversions in the Conversions section of Google Analytics.

You can learn more about Google Analytics and how to track your conversions and calls to measure the success of your toll-free number from various online resources.

Survey Customers

Another effective way to track the impact of your toll-free phone number is to survey your customers who have called your number. You can ask them various questions and can collect the answers to reach a result. These valuable insights can have a huge impact on your toll-free number in a positive way. You can call your customers and can ask questions like:

  • How did you come across our toll-free number?
  • Was your call answered promptly?
  • Was the representative who answered your call helpful?
  • Would you use our toll-free number again in the future?
  • Would you suggest our toll-free number to others as well?

You can conduct these surveys through emails, or by asking your customers to fill out a quick survey after their call. This valuable information should be utilized in improving your toll-free number and customer service.

Track Revenue

The effectiveness of your toll-free phone number can also be measured by tracking the revenue generated from the calls made to your toll-free number. This can give a clear indication of the performance of the toll-free number. By tracking the revenue generated from each call, you can easily determine which marketing campaigns are driving the most revenue and adjust your strategy accordingly for the other campaigns as well.

To track revenue from calls, you’ll need to set up call-tracking software that integrates easily with your CRM system. This will allow you to see which calls result in sales and track the revenue generated from each call.

Toll Free

Monitor Missed Calls

A missed call is a missed opportunity for your business. If your business is unable to answer all calls promptly, you could be losing potential clients. With the help of monitoring missed calls, you can easily determine if you need to adjust your staffing levels or need to improve your call-answering process.

For monitoring missed calls, you can use any call tracking software available in the market or your phone systems call log. If you notice a high number of missed calls during certain times of the day, consider adjusting your staffing levels to ensure that you are able to answer all calls promptly.

Monitor Call Duration

The duration of all the calls made to your toll-free phone number can also provide valuable insights into its effectiveness. If calls are consistently short, it could indicate that customers are having their questions answered quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, if calls are consistently long, it could indicate that your customer service representatives need additional training or that your website isn’t providing enough information.

By monitoring call duration, you can identify trends and make data-driven decisions to improve your toll-free number’s effectiveness. For example, if you notice that call duration has been increasing over time, you may want to review your customer service scripts or training programs to ensure that your representatives are equipped to handle customer inquiries efficiently.

Alternatively, if you notice that call duration is consistently low, you may want to consider promoting your toll-free number more actively to drive more traffic to your customer service team. By monitoring call duration and analyzing the data you can gain valuable insights into your customers’ needs and preferences, and make informed decisions to optimize your toll-free number’s performance.


Just having a toll-free number will not lead your business toward the goals you wish to achieve. It is highly important for any sized business to understand the value of toll-free numbers and should know how to track their performances as well.

We have tried to cover some easy yet effective ways to measure the success of a toll-free number for a business. These secret methods can work wonders for your business as well. In case you are still in a dilemma about where to buy a toll-free number, feel free to contact Knowlarity.

Written By:  Manna Khare


Toll Free Number
Virtual Number
Missed Call Solution
Cloud Telephony
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