Top 6 Benefits of Cloud Telephony For Small Businesses

Oct 28, 2022

The prime element of a business is communication. If your customers can’t communicate with you to describe their problems, you can’t work on the solutions & hence you will not have a successful business.

Any business should have proper & easy two-way communication where your customers can reach you with their issues and you can connect with them back with ease. But, on the other hand, it is also super easy to get disoriented when you have multiple internal & external communication channels.

Cloud telephony services like IVR, call routing, call scheduling & edge telephonic functions are a great way to connect with your audience. The cloud based system is not limited to offering seamless cloud communication but has a long list of benefits.

This blog will discuss some of the benefits of cloud telephony for small businesses & how is it helping them on their road to success.

What is Cloud Telephony?

Cloud telephony, also known as cloud calling, is a phone hosting service managed by a third party & used by customers via the internet on either a usage basis or on buying a subscription. These services don’t require a business to have an in-house phone system. Also, all your employees can access high-quality cloud telephony services from any device connected to the internet. Cloud telephony means having a phone system that is not present physically, is more functional & is less expensive. Such solutions are ideal for employees who are either always on the move or for ones who work remotely. It has been a super useful tool post-pandemic as people started working from home.

Cloud Telephony Benefits For Small-Sized Businesses

Helps Providing Quick Responses:

The rate of customer churn increases when you kept them waiting for a long period of time or left them unattended. Doesn’t matter how much you try, but this issue may arise anytime. Cloud telephony is the answer to address this problem. Cloud telephony solutions get integrated into the CRM which makes it easy for the agents to not retrieve customer data manually. Now agents can make or answer calls directly from their CRM dashboard just by clicking a button, saving time, increasing productivity & hence quick responses.

Easy Implementation:

As you already know by now cloud solutions can be implemented with CRMs but what you don’t know is that there is no on-premise infrastructure needed to implement it. This means you can set up and start running in a few days only. No maintenance is required and hence no in-house professionals are needed for the same.

Lower Infrastructure Cost:

Cloud telephony systems save money in multiple ways. It eliminates the cost of maintenance, calling minutes, phone system infrastructure, and many others. These systems can help startups trim down their initial costs by up to 90%.

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Powerful Calling Features:

These are some of the capabilities of cloud telephony that help agents work in a smarter manner.

Auto Attendant- Helps in assisting customers in reaching the right person.

IVR - Enables self-service for callers & resolves problems with call management channels.

Call Recording - Helps in keeping records of calls to maintain a high level of services and the same can be used for training purposes.

Call Forwarding - Redirect inbound calls to the right person, based on established criteria.

Toll-Free Numbers - Give customers an option to call from landlines as well without additional charges.

Call Masking - Provides call mapping with a virtual number to hide the original number of the customer & agent.

Improved Mobility

Cloud telephony solutions were on boost during COVID lockdowns across the country as they offer the work-from-anywhere option. Your agents can access voicemails, phone calls, and others from any location and any internet-connected device. There is no need for your agents to be in the same physical area.

Reporting & Analytics

Analytic reports help provide information about your callers that includes: geographic locations, peak hours for calls, missed & received calls, call traffic on a daily basis, and a lot more. This only not helps in understanding your callers but also helps in judging the performance of your agents, customer satisfaction levels, revenue earned, and other business indicators.

The Final Words

Switching to cloud telephony systems is not difficult in the present times, In, fact, it is a lot easier than you might think. It is a less expensive way to maintain your business and overcome the old PBX system.

You can anytime reach out to Knowlarity for more information or to hire our cloud telephony services.

Written By:  Manna Khare


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