Top Cloud Communication Trends To Follow In 2022

Nov 12, 2022

Cloud Communication in a Nutshell

In simple terms, cloud communication is the use of the Internet for voice and text-based interactions. Hosting all communication applications, storage, and telecommunications switching to the cloud significantly reduces both capital expenditure on infrastructure and recurring operational costs.

The benefits offered by cloud communication in modernization, such as scalability, reliability, and affordability, have resulted in widespread adoption globally. The cloud communication platform market is poised to reach USD 51.37 billion during 2020–2030, growing exponentially at a CAGR of 19.82%.

Cloud Communication Trends

This blog discusses some of the key trends in cloud communications that businesses should consider in 2022 and beyond.


Modernization refers to scalability, compatibility, and automation in the context of the technology industry. Scalability to deliver businesses to a wider audience, adaptability to develop complex and trendsetting solutions. Both demand sourcing and cost management, however, automation can keep them under control. The distributed nature and interoperability of the cloud can integrate various modules and create a complex solution with a unified front.

5G Infrastructure

5G reduces latency and strengthens the overall capabilities of wireless services. Global 5G adoption is increasing. This is to provide better and faster cloud communication, eliminate call jitter, improve video quality, and reduce call drops.

AI & Analytics

Cloud computing has made it easier to collect large amounts of real-time data that can be used for sampling and analysis, along with AI, machine learning, and deep learning technologies.

Serverless Architecture

Businesses have begun to implement the serverless architecture in their enterprise infrastructure. Adoption removes all overhead from IT infrastructure, instead, a third party handles the hosting of applications and data.

Cloud Security

As cloud adoption increases, so do security risks. Cybersecurity and data breaches have become important factors in evaluating cloud communication providers. Technology frameworks like shift-left security, Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), AppSec, DevSecOps, disaster recovery, etc. are gaining popularity in the cloud industry.


Data-driven analytics capabilities for decision-making are becoming the norm, especially for call centers and SMS services. Call recording, call history, missed call alert, agent productivity, SMS delivery rate, etc. Growing numbers of businesses expect analytics and reporting from their call centers, which is critical for improving the customer experience.


Smart Communication

Cloud communications providers are adding more 'intelligence' capabilities to their offerings, allowing businesses to automate and scale their customer support. These include intelligent call routing, dynamic IVR, automated call recording, etc.

IVR and Bots

As per statistics, more than 43% of customers like bots serving in call centres. Organizations are ready to handle dynamic inferential voice response systems and recently introduced bots to overcome text-based communication needs. Automated customer service calls are made through intelligent algorithms and result in a fast turnaround. This arrangement relieves agents to handle complex or niche requests.


Automation refers to the processes and tools organizations use to reduce the amount of manual work associated with managing cloud computing workloads. Cloud automation facilitates data sharing in the cloud. It helps efficiently monitor workloads and streamline cloud environments in private, public, and hybrid modes.

Quantum Computing

Improving artificial intelligence, data security, financial analysis and more has been one of the hottest trade terms in the computing world in recent years. This sector is expected to capture a multibillion-dollar market in the coming years.


Now that most companies are migrating their IT infrastructure porting to the cloud, many are now preferring to work with multiple cloud providers for different purposes. A multi-cloud strategy is becoming the most optimal option for companies using cloud-hosted services, taking advantage of more efficient data storage and secure sharing.


One of the main reasons why cloud communications are becoming a necessity for any organization's overall productivity is the ever-increasing need to use interconnected business applications. Organizations have realized that to successfully move through a heavy workload, they need to have a successful communication strategy behind it.


Exploring the cloud can ease challenges such as reducing costs associated with maintaining hardware, streamlining tech support and help desk workflows, and creating a more socially responsible company. There is now a significant emphasis on creating an efficient business setting by utilizing the opportunities indicated by the various trends in the market.

Written By:  Aditya


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