What is VoIP, and How Does it Work?

June 22, 2022

With time, customers’ expectations have increased as they expect the best regarding the quality of products or support services. Living up to their expectations is extremely important for brands. Failing to match demands might force customers to cut ties and join the competition. This is why businesses adopt modern technology to keep their customers happy. One of the technologies that help significantly with handling customer calls is VoIP.

What is VoIP?

VoIP technology converts voice into a digital signal to place calls via the internet. This technology eliminates the hassle of traditional phone lines and enhances the overall call quality for a better experience. Wondering how it works? Let’s find out:

How does VoIP work?

VoIP technology uses packet-switched protocols to let the calling process happen over the internet. VoIP converts voice signals into packets. These packets travel over the internet, like any other data type.

One might wonder why VoIP phone numbers are used when the traditional phone system is already in place? Well, some VoIP benefits are hard to ignore.

Why is VoIP better than the traditional phone system?

Here are some benefits of using VoIP phone numbers:

- Awesome call quality

To ensure that each call ends positively, setting the right tone from the beginning is imperative. Customers usually put the phone down when they hear unnecessary external voices during the call.

It is a no-brainer that when a customer leaves the call without getting the solution, it is a matter of time when they stop showing interest in your products and services.

Your sales team also might struggle to close deals due to poor call quality. This makes the VoIP technology more significant as it ensures supreme call quality.

- Hassle-free scalability

Another VoIP benefit is you enjoy hassle-free scalability. There will be a time when you need to expand your staff according to your business requirements. In this case, relying on the traditional phone system could be very expensive. You might have to invest in expensive hardware to let new employees handle calls for your brand. This could be a costly problem if you are a small business owner.

Here, VoIP acts as a helping hand. It does not need large investments and allows you to add more team members to your dashboard with just a few clicks. The icing is that the support or sales teams can answer calls using smartphones. It allows you to avoid additional equipment costs and offer a remote work facility to your teams.

As we can understand, when employees work from their comfort zone, they are likely to give their best during the calls and give an outstanding experience to customers.

- Powerful features

The VoIP benefit you’ll surely enjoy is the access to splendid business phone features. This luxury allows you to handle each call perfectly and ensures that the other party (customers or clients) can have a long-lasting impression of your brand.

Features that help you with call operations are call routing, recording, 1-tap to put the call on hold, mute, warm transfer, etc. These powerful features allow your team to do their best while handling customer calls.

As a positive result, you enjoy a high CSAT score and witness a significant drop in the agent attrition rate. Yes, you have guessed that, right? This can help you gain a competitive edge over other infamous business rivals for their poor voice support.

- Wrapping up:

Irrespective of the channel, communicating with customers effectively has always been important to impress them and ensure a long-lasting relationship. Since the telephone channel is their favourite, it is necessary to adopt VoIP technology. With the help of this blog, I explained what it is, how it works, and what benefits you can gain from it.

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Written By:  Manna Khare


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