Call Masking Solutions For Effective Customer Interactions!

July 8, 2022

Establishing global networks is considered a necessity in this globalized world. However, while the world is connecting and performing every minute activity through the internet, there is a constant emphasis on protection arising from cyber-attacks.

There has been a simultaneous rise in cybercrime with news of hacked accounts and accessed information. While internet users are at constant risk, businesses and enterprises are not only at the edge of disclosing their data, including their customer's identity but also losing out on their credibility and even their business!

While many have moved towards utilizing security software, various aspects of protection and data privacy are still not looked into. For example, calls and interactions.

This blog will help you understand the necessity of call masking services and how it offers a range of services to boost your interaction securities and fulfill your privacy necessities by providing you with the most efficient call masking solutions to protect yourself and also your clients from cybercrime, hacks, and data leakage while simultaneously building your business profile!

What is Call Masking?

Simply said, it is a connectivity tool to ensure data protection during agent and customer interactions. Their personal information maintains anonymity by creating a temporary proxy number during the call to protect their identities while creating a professional and trustworthy interaction.

Due to its range of benefits, call masking solutions have been utilized in various industries like e-commerce, healthcare, education, delivery services, and cab services. Therefore, it is an effective tool for any business that largely depends on the internet.

Various companies that provide their clients with unique cloud-based solutions to upscale their business profile have come up in the field of data protection.

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Unique Cloud-Based Solution Services

  • Safeguard Customer's Privacy: Details of the calls are routed through the third-party server with end-to-end encryption.

  • No Data Leakage: Call masking services allow business interaction on a cloud-based platform, meaning no data leakage can occur. Moreover, the company won't have to invest excessive capital and manpower into storing and archiving the data.

  • Tracking: Incoming and outgoing calls between the customers and agents are recorded and monitored for data analysis and quality testing of the call. Emphasis is on improving our customer’s experience. It also helps in guiding new recruits with phone etiquette and other necessary protocols.

  • Real-Time Data Insights: Cloud-based solution services provide real-time data insights through their personalized analytics dashboard. It improves upon-call engagement with customers while monitoring the agents as well. Thus, allowing your enterprise to undertake proactive actions.

  • Increases Overall Return On Investment (ROI): Understanding market trends is necessary. Cold calling is an effective means of data collection. Cold calling strengthens your business sales, thus, increasing the overall ROI.

Cloud Telephony Solutions For Smooth Functioning and Interactive Customer Services

Cloud-based services provide smooth functioning and effective customer services to their clients. Following are the features of call masking services that your companies can avail for their businesses.

  • Click-to-call: The API-integrated call button is available on the website and app that allows customers to contact directly. It helped clients maintain and sustain their business even during COVID without undertaking a drastic restructuring of responsibilities.

  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR): Known to establish immediate customer interaction, customer queries are dealt with IVR, including outbound dialer solutions.

  • Auto Dialer: Aware of the preciousness of time and cost, auto dialer encourages agent productivity while maintaining customer interaction through automating the outbound calling process. It allows your enterprises to increase their revenue and business prospects while regulating their costs.

Knowlarity’s Call Masking Solution

Knowlarity has more than a decade of expertise in offering call masking solutions. Knowlarity is renowned as the leading cloud communication provider amongst established and emerging markets, across multiple industrial verticals and over 65 countries!

The call masking solution provided by Knowlarity comes with all the needed features that a business of any size could imagine off. It is your one-stop solution for call masking services at cost-effective ranges for your start-ups and enterprises.

Give us a call at (+91) 801-000-2222 or request a demo on our official website. You can even write to us at to know more about our call masking services.

Written By:  Manna Khare


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